Monday, February 25, 2013


Many things on Peter Island are individual, including: what youdo in your spare time, where you go to school, and where you work. At school there are no uniforms, but there is a dress code, no holes in jeans, no double socks, and most importantly no saging pants. There are only two exseptions to being able to work where ever you want: for some jobs you need a certen college degree,

Monday, February 11, 2013

Daily life and Economy

Here on Peter Island the daily life is basically go to work from 6am to 1pm,7am to 2pm, or 8am to 3pm, the rest of the time is free time. Everybody works acoording to the time stated earllyer ececpt Guard, Police Officer, and a Hospital empollys, those positions have two shifts 12am to 12pm and 12pm to 12am. Grade School is from 8am to 12pm, Collage is from 2pm to 6pm. We are a very weathy island we import many foods including beef, pork, turkey, chicken, vetabals, and fruit. Are mane exportis fish which is a big part of what we eat.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Welome to Peter Island.On Peter Island jobs pay bay how dangerous it is,the highest paying job is gaurd,sense we're not far from cuba we need them.